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제목 (BioAustralis fine chemicals 한국공식대리점_ 에디스젠_edithgen@daum.net) A26711B을 소개합니다 (BioAustralis fine chemicals 한국공식_ 에디스젠) 등록일 2024.05.09 06:39
글쓴이 에디스젠 조회/추천 55/2


BioAustralis fine chemicals  한국공식대리점_에디스젠입니다

항상 최선을 다하겠습니다


에디스젠 ( BioAustralis fine chemicals ) 배상

BioAustralis provides high purity metabolites from microbes and plants as laboratory research tools. We specialise in the fermentation and isolation of rare metabolites from actinomycetes, bacteria, fungi and plants. Metabolites are produced in our own laboratories to guarantee reliable quality, supply and service.

Our product catalogue covers a wide range of chemistries and biological activities. We focus on providing inhibitors of recently described biochemical pathways. Many of our metabolites are new to the market; they include analogues of many well-known and important molecular bioprobes.

At BioAustralis we have access to an extensive microbial library through our association with Microbial Screening Technologies. Using innovative search tools that allow us to quickly identify microorganisms producing specific metabolites and our efficient fermentation technologies, we can produce a broad range of metabolites that have never before been widely available. So if you are trying to source a metabolite that is not already in our catalogue or obtain a metabolite in larger quantities please contact us.

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