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제목 (Vitro Biotech 한국공식대리점_ 에디스젠_edithgen@daum.net) Cas9 cell 을 소개합니다 (Vitro Biotech 한국공식_ 에디스젠) 등록일 2024.05.09 06:34
글쓴이 에디스젠 조회/추천 56/2


Vitro Biotech  한국공식대리점_에디스젠입니다

항상 최선을 다하겠습니다


에디스젠 ( Vitro Biotech ) 배상

Vitro Biotech is a gene editing company that has over ten years of cell handling experience, and our business mainly includes off-shelf stable cell lines and custom gene editing services. 

Our major categories of off-shelf cell lines are KO cellsCas9 expressing cell linesLuciferase cells, medicine target stable cell lines, and drug resistant cell lines. And we also offer technical services including gene-editing cell lines (CRISPR knockout or CRISPR knockin), CRISPR library screening, CRISPRa cell line generation, stable cell line generation, and virus packaging (lentivirus and AAV). 

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